Meet Keroche Breweries CEO Tabitha Karanja When She Was Still An Underpaid Secretary Aged 23 And Pregnant With Her Now Sensational Daughter Anerlisa Muigai (Photo)
Watu hutoka mbali! Did you know Keroche Breweries CEO Tabitha Karanja was once employed as a secretary?? And now where is she??
I understand today is not Throwback Thursday (TBT) but an old photo of Tabitha Karanja was exceptional!
Apparently Ms Karanja wasn’t born in millions, she sweated her way up to create an empire that’s now ‘threatening’ well established brands.
28 years ago, the story of Tabitha Karanja was a tale of a pregnant woman aged 23 who was a secretary ‘punching’ the old noisy typewriter.
Ms Karanja’s sensational daughter, Anerlisa Muigai, shared an old photo of her mum when she was pregnant with her describing how her mother made her dream come true.
#MotivationalMonday This is my mother pregnant with me at the age of 23.She was typing reports to present to the boss the following day. To her giving up was not an option, her dream was to be self-employed. This picture just makes me realise that anyone’s dream is can be whatever you want to be if you put your mind into it. Things that you dream of can become reality. Do have a successful week and remember God above everything.