Meet Kenya’s 28-Year Old Multi-Millionaire,Henry Waswa,Obama’s Greatest Example Of Young Entrepreneurship.


Little is known of Henry Waswa. A young entrepreneur who is taking the nation by storm…Forget the Mike Sonko shenanigans. Or the Babu Owino flamboyance. And welcome Joseph Waswa.

The whole of Western Kenya-and Kenya at large -has been going gaga at one young Kenyan who,in the true words of iconic Hip-hop group,Kalamashaka,anafanya mambo.

Joseph,born some 28 years ago in Sirisia,Western Kenya,almost hit rock bottom in 2008 when after much soul-searching and much hassle decided to leave the life of abject penury in Sirisia and venture out to find a life… And a better one at that.

Henry Waswa,the newest flamboyant kid on the block,tired of living from hand to mouth,left for Mombasa from where his life took a whole new turn… The right kind of turn.

But not that fast.

He did put up with may hours in the streets… Some odd jobs,knocking on doors that wouldn’t open,making a billion requests for which he never got a reply and even did a stint cleaning cars and shoes before,once again, he got fed up with the life of struggle and street hardship.

And then an idea struck! He remembered that he had a friend through whom he’d secure a loan. And start a business.

He approached the friend and next thing you know,he had a loan in hand. And a business idea immediately came to him.

Clothes shop it was. And sure, it did materialize.

Henry Waswa’s ever the enterprising mind,launched a sleek boutique shop in Mombasa’s Bamburi area. And aptly named it MaureenJoseph. And before you knew it, it took off. Faster than he thought. And started repeating results. Quicker than he expected.

And then he thought he’d start a food Chain. And with some money with him, most of which he made from his clothes business,Waswa,still very business-oriented,launched a food court.

Great idea.

With time,his Cafe would records hundreds of hungry clients who would flock into the shop to replenish themselves. With his tasty bitings and sumptuous meals.

Waswa boarding a plane for a business trip.

Happy that his businesses were doing so amazingly great,Waswa,who also is called Hendrix Waswa, got into the entertainment industry.

He opened a sports bar called MONTENGENE in Mombasa’s Mtwapa area…

Before long,another club came up. And yet another. And another.

He currently has over 5 state-of-the-art clubs across the Country. Clubs that record hundred of revelers every weekend. Clubs that shake the entertainment industry. And clubs that have set an attendance record across the board.

Waswa,still bitten by the entrepreneurship bug,thought it would be wise to venture into yet another money – minting business. And that’s how his Car-hire business was promptly born.

A keen listener advice and an industrious soul,Waswa brought the car business to fruition. And the fruits started bearing sooner than he thought.

Henry Waswa with a business friend.

The first people to boost his car business were his fellow millionaire pals… The guys he’d go out with, the guys he’d do business with and the fellows he’d play golf with on his good days.

One by one,his loyal moneyed pals,all of whom have,in past interviews commended him and praised him as a humble guy,committed businessman and focused young leader,flocked his car hire business hiring cars and plunged him to more and more riches. The business shot up quick. And quickly,he had acquired as many as 20 cars… Classy cars.. From just 3.

And now,his car business is valued at over 100 Million Kenya shilings. Oh wow!!!

Henry Waswa still keeps God first. Prays everyday and puts his beloved family and little beautiful children first in everything.

Henry Waswa’s fortunes stem from his real estate business too which had brought him the 100 million he has invested in in car and houses across the Country.

Henry Waswa also educates at least 13 young boys and girls in the village. All of whom he doesn’t just pay school fees for but also feeds, clothes and shelters.

Henry Waswa is quite a popular figure across Western Kenya and is a close friend of major politicians across the Country and especially in Western Kenya some of whom are said to have camped at his home to seek financial support during the 2013 elections.

Many of his friends say that Hendrix Waswa should vie for MP but Henry Waswa has not yet made his political stance clear.

He has avoided the topic many a times but his fellow constituents have also gone on record urging him to vie for a seat. And he might be considering it.

Well well well…. Way to go Henry Waswa!!!



Show these young men the way. And keep the #GES dream alive. As ONLY You can.


About this writer:

Cabu Gah