Meet Jimmy Gathu’s Beautiful Wife (PHOTO)
Jimmy Gathu has been in the limelight from time immemorial. if you’re from my generation, then you grew up watching him every weekday during the evening when KTN used to play jams on Jam-A-Delic, Kass-Kass and the rest.
If you’re merely a YoloSwagger, then you know him as the “mpango wa kando” chap. You know, the one who keeps telling your parents to use a condom when they stray. Let’s not even begin to play dumb here.
Anyway, with all his mpango wa kando advice, we have never really gotten to see his sweetheart. you know, the apple to his eye. Anyway, i managed to score a picture of him and his wife who (the last time I checked) works for Scanad.
Check them out below:
Now we know!