Maina Kageni Set To Give His Life To Jesus As He Shuns The Flashy Mavuno And Kiuna’s JCC Churches For This One In Umoja (Photo)
Maina Kageni is arguably the most popular radio presenter though he would take the award by a distance and unanimously if only women cast the vote.
So popular is his show that regardless the kind of topics he raises, he has been invited by a church member to join a church. This was not enough as another member got to the radio location at Lion’s place and left a letter of invitation along with a Bible.
Maina Kageni has been invited to the Deliverence Church in Umoja. Given his delight and the persistence of his listeners from the congregation it looks to be where he may just bend the knee.This comes after he had visited a church sometime early this year and set tongues wagging. It appears, the spirit and the body are finally winning.
Should he make it to the church it will be quite a boost to the celebrity star effect of the church and several others in Eastlands give the huge number of celebrities who flock to trendier churches like Mavuno and JCC by the Kiunas.