Maina and King’ang’i In The Morning: Men Speak Out Against Having To Share Their Wealth With Their Ex-Wives 50-50

Maina and King’ang’i in the morning is a wildly popular show and no one comes close to touching them. that said and done, they are loved because they deal with sensitive topics that most Kenyans want to discuss but are too scared to. And Ghafla is the online equivalent.


And today they are dealing something very sensitive. Yesterday, MPs voted to amend a part of the Matrimonial Property Bill that would have awarded Kenyan women half their husband’s property in the event of a divorce an d the angle he chose to take was asking the women whether they would be willing to give their husbands 50% if they divorced.

What has shocked me is the discovery that there are no REAL women in Kenya. We have big babies parading in dresses. Feminism isn’t about the women being better than men or having it easier, it’s about men accepting and treating women as their equals.

Kenyan women only want to be babied. ALL the women who called in refuse to share half their property with their men in the event of a divorce if they were the bread winners but expect men to be “real African men” by providing half of their wealth in the event of a divorce.
African men were polygamist and ruled the roost as sovereigns.  let us return to our customs in their entirety then.

The men raised very important points: if anything, it is househelps who deserve half of the dowry and half of the property because African women have forgotten how to serve their husbands. Tune in to Classic and join the conversation.



About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)