Maina And King’ang’i In The Morning: A Wife Is Nothing More Than A Glorified Maid

Maina and King’ang’i in the moprning is never without it’s controversies and LOLs. But today, it has started off on a very controversial note. Yesterday, a male caller called in to weigh in on the topic of the day that sought to find out who the antagonist is in relationships when the man begins to sleep with the househelp.


And all sorts of callers rang in from the cuckolds to the outright misogynistic -the full spectrum was represented. But one caller stood out from the rest. His opinions were in a word venomous. He called in and while he was giving his opinion, made the following statements; “A wife is nothing more than an over glorified househelp“!




And my word, he has got the feminists out of their covens and beating their drums! Tune into Maina and King’ang’i in the morning and give some feedback.

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)