Lupita Nyong’o Gets Her Own Currency Note (PHOTO)

Lupita Nyong’o is one of the hottest personal brands in the world right now. She took over Hollywood and she has also won the fashion world with her simplicity and ethnic beauty. Now it seems, Kenyans have been motivated to recognize her accomplishments and her talents which have put Kenya on the world map.

What I do not understand is how some far seeing Kenyan decided to design the 200 shilling note even before we had a Kenyan Oscar winner. That is a true example of foresight if ever I saw one. Now that Said and done, let’s have a look at the note in question:


And it would seem she is depicted from her role in “12 Years A slave” and I would go as far as to wager that from now onwards we will be calling the 200 shilling note the Lupita. Watch this space!

About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)