Lessons From NTV: Here Are 5 Ways That Sex At The Workplace Hurts The Woman More Than The Man.
Yesterday,a story that should’ve already been old seemed to rise up from the ashes like the proverbial phoenix,Trending thick and fast on all social media platforms,particularly WhatsApp,reaching whole new audiences that had missed it when it was first breaking.
In fact,my elder sister sent me the photos and the link to the story on WhatsApp forgetting that I am a blogger and that I see stuff six seconds after it happens.
I feigned surprise,texted a couple open-mouthed emojis and spent the whole day having to pretend I hadn’t seen the story.
Sex tapes are largely a big deal.
Ever since Kim Kardashian unveiled hers,that ultimately catapulted her to mega stardom,it’s become something of a cool trend to record oneself in the throes of passion for purposes of sharing the video with the world after the steam has cooled off.
Amateur sex videos will always be in vogue.
In the voyeuristic society that we live in,where the slightest peep into the privacy of others excited and ignites us,you will never go wrong with leaking a sex tape to the public – especially when it was never intended to be made public.
By now,you’ve all seen the grainy NSFW photos of two former employees of NTV Uganda (Kevin Kaija and Anne Nakawombe) who decided to let their passion take the better of them and ended up bonking right in the studio offices… With a very ominous-looking Coca Cola soda idling around the scene.
It turns out that there was actually an actual video of the shing-shang too.. Not just photos.
And don’t we all love videos? Especially those sort of videos?
Side Note : It was a terrible,terrible video and an acute waste of my three,valuable minutes.
In the aftermath of the leaking of the very damaging evidence,both employees lost their jobs.
The man was,clearly,the one who recorded the video and must have been the one who,at the urging of his equally-stupid friends, leaked it across the Internet.
But bro… Whenever a thing like this happens,that is,sex at the workplace,the woman always ends up the sore loser while the man somehow still walks tall – despite losing his job.
Men revel in heroics and conquests and,by having a secret video of them munching on some prey in an office circulating the web,they tend to imagine they’re heroes and stars – with many accolades being thrown their way,albeit low key
Men are RARELY affected by such damning photos and videos. Actually,their wives rarely leave them,cue President Bill Clinton.
5 Ways That Sex At The Workplace Hurts The Woman More Than The Man.
1. She’s A Hoe
Right there and then,the woman is the whore. Straight up! A woman who has the temerity to undress in an office,cluttered with computers and pens and notebooks,is automatically viewed as a whore by the larger public. She’s viewed as a cheap,immortal slut who anyone can bed and get with. She’s trashed and scorned for being loose and for being so audacious. The man rarely receives the kind of negative backlash the woman receives. To the general public that will ultimately watch the video,the woman is a tramp,a hooker and a shameless,promiscuous piece of cheap meat that has no respect for self or society. The man,on the other hand,never gets even as a little as an ill whisper. He’s a man,after all. It’s OK for him to let loose in an office.
2. Her Nudity Is More Exposed
In these quickie scenarios,the man rarely undresses fully. He’ll be deep on action with his t-shirt (or shirt) still on and with his boxers halfway down. On the other hand, the woman is mostly fully undressed with all of her privates laid out for the public to see. In the NTV video for instance,Miss Nakawombe has all of her body exposed. Including her nubile tits and nipples. We don’t see the man’s private and sensitive parts. He’s actually sort of still clothed so to speak. But the woman has to fully undress and have all of her secret parts exposed to the camera. Something that rarely happens to the man. His dignity somewhat still remains intact. While hers stays DAMAGED. Eternally.
3. She Gets A Raw Deal
Most quickies are absolute garbage. They’re over before you can even settle down to watch properly. It’s usually a very short,shoddy job. Even with this NTV video. The man only gets into action for his OWN sake. Not hers. Soon as he’s climaxed he’s good to go. Even if that takes less than 2 minutes. In most cases,the woman is left high and dry. The man will have had the time of his life while the woman will still be unsatisfied and wanting some more. Just more. When the whole thing started,both parties wanted to have a great time. But mostly,it’s the man who enjoys the action since soon as he’s reached the climax, he’s reaching for his boxers and ready to leave the room. The girl will still be there…Horny and expecting some more action…Not having felt anything since just when she was warming up for a wild pleasurable ride,the man is already done and making suggestions like,‘We need to get out of here honey…’ Absolute waste of time on her part. She never enjoys a dang thing!
4. The Video Itself
Rarely does the woman propose to film the whole thing. It’s mostly the guy’s idea. He’s the crazy one here. He’s the one who will need to brag about it later. He’s the one who will want to film it and gain notoriety in future. Rarely does the woman want any of the action to be caught on tape. But the man has his way anyway. He films it. And then leaks the tape to his boys – who later spread it to the universe. And now,the woman is in an awkward place. She let him film it in confidence. And because she was too smitten by him to deny him his little camera pleasures. And now,he’s exposed her and aired her out. She didn’t sign up for this. He puts her in an awkward position. And now she has to eternally deal with a monster that should have been kept private – if only the man had some manners. As for him,he’s less than bothered by the leaked tape. LESS. THAN. BOTHERED.
5. Loss of Job
Don’t be fooled by the fact that both Kevin Kaija and Anne Nakawombe lost their jobs at NTV. Don’t be fooled. Mostly,the woman is the woman who ends up losing her job. She’s viewed as the seducer,the loose one,the immortal tramp. Mostly,the man keeps the job. Don’t believe me? Try having sex with your local MP or MCA in his office. Let that video leak. And then let’s see who keeps their job. And who loses it. Monica Lewinsky couldn’t keep her job. President Clinton did. I have a million other examples of girlfriends being sent home over an office Scandal. And the man keeping the job. I even have local examples. But I don’t want to be sued by the stupid narcissists.
Girl,before spreading those legs in that corner office for that dude,have this little article in your mind.
You’ll be the biggest loser of the Century…And he won’t feel a thing. Or even lose his wife or family.
Life is seriously not fair.