Legends Response: Check Out The New K-South Song Here (VIDEO)

There have been alot of murmurs and whispers about Abraham Bamboo backsliding but until there is evidence, it shall remain a rumour and Uncle Chim Tuna doesn’t deal in rumours. i deal in money. And on very rare occasion, female ahem! Back to the song.

The track is the love child from the reunion of Bamboo and Abbas Kubaff who were both part of the legendary Kenyan hiphop group K-South. i for one happen to be happy for a musical offering. Why do i consider this a reply from the universe? Well, just yesterday i said that while both are great rappers, they had no new offering and here we are.

The track is indeed a return to K-South’s unorthodox way of making music but at the end of the day the track is a damn good song!
You can just tell from watching the video that the pair had some wild fun shooting the video and indeed, making the track. And that fact lends itself to adding some entertainment to the track.

Check it out below:



About this writer:

Nwasante Khasiani (Writer)