Leading Hung Out Joint is Hosting Kenya’s Rugby Team Send Off Party, Tonight!

I know nothing when it comes to Rugby….zilch! And I proudly dated a rugby player (smiley face)… *sigh*, those were good times. Though I attended a couple of matches, I still am an advent attendee to the Safaricom 7’s Rugby tournament, and yes, I still don’t know what happens at rugby tournaments, well, apart from thirst-traps running around in boxer-looking attire for a ball. Quite okay with my past time, will still go watch a match any day for that! I can’t have them so I at least can ‘eat’ with my eyes!

So now the Rugby World Cup is coming soon, first game kicks off on Friday till 31st of October, 2015. Now in celebration, clubs will be all Rugby themed, alcohol on discounted prices and all…and Guava Club located in Hurlingham will not be left behind. And tonight, they will be hosting a send off party for the Kenya Rugby team.

They will fit some serious HD big screens courtesy of Heineken, and they drinks will be at some pocket-friendly prices.

                          BOTTLES    TOTS

JW BLACK –           4900       200
SINGLETON           4900      250
CARDHU                5900      250
JW RED                 2900      150
JAMESON              3750      150
J&B                       3900      150
VODKA/GIN           1800       80
GUARANA &WINE                150

There will also be combos that you can indulge in.

1kg of meat + 4 local beers will be sold at 1,200/=.

1kg meat + 4 imported beers will be sold at 1,400/=.

Guava is in Hurlingham, next to Tamasha Hurlingham.

About this writer:

Sheila Kanja