Larry Madowo Is An Arrogant And Proud Fame Seeker! What He Said About Bloggers Tells It All…


For a long time Larry Madowo has had a negative approach towards blogs and those behind them, disregarding everything done behind the computers and their keyboards. He would at some point call bloggers keyboard analysts or some chaps suffering from what he calls pseudo-celebrity garbage industrial complex or whatever he calls it.

Larry is among the few journalists who have achieved a lot at his age, something that almost every one of us admires and would want to achieve. We have given credits where it is due.

At his age, in Kenya, it is difficult for one to curve a niche for themselves. Perhaps he should consider himself the luckiest media personality in Kenya today.

Landing a job with KTN when you are a school dropout is not something you say you struggled for. It only happens to few lucky people and Larry falls straight into this category. His genius perhaps helped him convince the then KTN board that he was the best for the job and luckily he got it.

What I have always admired about Larry is his desire to learn something new every day and also become a better person than what he was yesterday. Perhaps this is where he has beaten his fellow colleagues to the top. For instance, Larry has never stepped in an IT class. Don’t ask me how I know this. He told Jeff Koinange the other day. But today Larry is a self-proclaimed techie genius who has managed to travel places for businesses and technology-related conferences. He recently was in Barcelona for the latter.


Regrettably, however, one or two things are overshadowing all these good things we all should learn from Larry: PRIDE (ARROGANCE) and DISRESPECT.

This is not the first time I am writing to Larry about this.


Recently on the JKL show, Larry ranted at Ghafla Kenya, calling this esteemed blog all sorts of names after he complained that we talk a lot about him. Larry went on to rant at other blogs saying they are Ghafla copycuts whose main agenda is to portray successful people negatively to curve a niche for themselves. If that is what they do I don’t know, I will only talk about Ghafla Kenya!

There are a number of times Ghafla has ran stories about celebrities, what they do and probably the scandals that have befallen them. Funny enough, Ghafla, in more than one occasion, has set an agenda for Larry’s The Trend show.

After scribbling my ‘dirty stuff’ and posting it on Ghafla website, I go home have a shower and relax on my settee to watch TV. The trend is as famous as anything and missing it is a bit suicidal. So I flip channels on that Friday evening and land on NTV. Alas! It is the trend with Larry Madowo. One of the guests I see on screen is someone I did an exclusive story about on Monday, a story that not even Larry Madowo knew about. But here he is, hosting this individual to shed more light on the story Ghafla ran on Monday. Remember this is the same blog Larry is calling trash on JKL show and in his column in the Daily Nation. It is the biggest irony of our time.

arrogance 1

Away from that, I read Larry’s article on Daily Nation this morning and felt badly underrated.

This man has terribly failed to accept that blogs are here to stay and this is what their content is all about. I wonder why he is so blinded by the main stream media as much as it is good. You don’t expect a blog to embark on a story on how Larry got to the airport and flew out to South Africa. That is not for blogging.

Larry picked from a story we did about a peck he received in South Africa from some lady he knows too well. He has also revealed that he lied about a TV series that he said he would be starting with the heavy lass.

It seems Larry did this deliberately to get an angle for his article. Clearly he had run out of ideas and he had to find a story to write. Well, he got it and went on to vomit his disgust at the manner in which we lied and put up clickbaits to gain traction and reads from our consumers. That is not the point though.

Larry went ahead to bash bloggers, calling them names and distancing them from real journalism. He said bloggers are not journalists and that real journalists are those who go to the field and collect information, verify it before unleashing it to the public. Well, I don’t dispute this but this was another low from Larry.

Clearly, this man is a desperate fame seeker. He is already famous for whatever reasons but it seems he can’t get enough of this. Many have come and gone and they never showed this kind of pride. Blogs have said everything about them but they never took to the local dailies to waste a whole page to write crap about people in the same pitch, playing almost the same game.

Larry isn’t the first TV personalities to make their way to the top stories of blogs in the land. And his rant at blogs won’t stop us from talking about him. We will always talk about him as long as our consumers want to here who has called him Madondo or Madomo or what he has done, good or bad. We don’t discriminate and Larry should know this.

His rant on bloggers that they are not journalists perhaps came at a time when Larry has not faced real competition in the area he is trading. What he has failed to consider is that some of us would perform even better than him or those he believes are the best if we had a chance to work in his position. Interestingly, he would do even worse than what he thinks we do if he found himself working as a blogger.

I pray to live to prove Larry wrong.

I bet Baba Ghafla would chase him away in his first week at Ghafla.


About this writer:

Edward Chweya