Lanes Yawa! The Kenyan School That Charges Kes 1 Million Per Term Sold For Over 3 Billion Bucks (Photos)

Look at it this way; a single school in Nairobi is worth more than all public primary and high schools in Kenya! Now you get to understand why there are only two types of Kenyans; the poor and the stinking rich!

Brookhouse is the school I am talking about. You can best remember Brookhouse for hosting the 2013 Presidential debate where Mohammed Abduba Dida outsmarted all other hopefuls. Unfortunately he didn’t win. NKT!

Anyhow, the ownership of the stylishly luxurious school has changed hands. At a price that could pay all striking teachers the pay rise they earnestly demand.

According to Business Daily, Brookhouse’s former owners have sold the prestigious learning institution for a whopping Kes 3.6 billion to Educas, a UK-based private equity fund.

Ohh! I almost forgot to mention; Brookhouse charges Kes 1 million for boarding and tuition PER TERM to its senior students. 1 million school fees!




About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere