Ladies, How Dare You Appear Like This In Public? This Is Why You Should Always Dress Your Shape!
Have you ever seen the old foggie at the club dressing like he is trapped in Peter Pan’s world? Or have you ever been at a club or event and spotted a lady dressing 7 sizes too small for her shape? Aside from attempting to defy biology and physics, it is usually just plain embarrassing and painful to witness.
Today on the internets, there is a picture trending courtesy of a Twitter bigwig; Rammzy. lad found a photo of a certain lass who looks like she has refused to come to terms with the fact that she can no longer wear a little black dress and has decided to squeeze her gut into one.
Needless to say, the photo nearly blinded the photographer and the face of her friend/victim because we do not believe in making people live through traumatic experiences. That would be cruel and unusual punishment. Check the photo out below: