KTN Team in The USA to Listen to Pleas of the Diaspora
The Kenya Television Network (KTN) has sent a team, led by journalist James Karani on a fact finding mission, courtesy of KenyanDiasporaLink.com to hear the views of Kenyans in the diaspora about issues such as voting, dual citizenship, immigration and the new constitution.
This follows complaints which media houses in Kenya had been received from the diaspora regarding the upcoming general elections, set to be the biggest and most expensive in the country’s history.
The venue for this forum will be the Swahili Village restaurant in Washington D.C on the 9th of June 2012 from 3.00pm. The KTN team will also visit other American cities such as New York and Dallas on the 8th and 10th of June 2012 respectively.
The Kenya Diaspora Link is a networking website that targets Kenyans living abroad and was created to bridge the gap between Kenyans in the diaspora and Kenya, providing a centralized avenue through which Kenyans may share their thoughts and venues on issues which affect the country.