KOT Blast Hero Radio For Their Fake Necrophilia Story #SomeoneTellHeroradio
Nothing gets scary and ugly than to learn that your wife has been sleeping with dead bodies to make money.
Well unless it is a fake story from one of the leading radio stations in the country and you begin to understand just how low we can sink to achieve goals. Hero radio based in Nakuru is currently trending and if that was the end goal then they are happy.
However, the means they have used takes away all the credibility and points to a vicious cutthroat competition industry. To get the rating for talk shows many have turned to scandalizing stories they make all the blogs long bashed for sensationalism look like rookies.The story has elicited sharp and sarcastic reaction from KOT but at least one person gets to rest from all these, Bro. Ocholla I am not mentioning names.
Here are some of the reactions to the story