Kiss FM’s Adelle Onyango Robbed At Gunpoint
Adelle Onyango is lucky to have come out of a robbery incident in one piece. The thugs had guns and anything could have happened!
The festive season seems to have come with its share of problems; increased incidents of Nairobians getting robbed by armed thugs.
Over the weekend, Kiss FM’s Adelle Onyango bore the brunt of City’s increased crime as she was robbed at gunpoint.
Adelle took to the social media to narrate her ordeal. She didn’t reveal where she was robbed at or what valuables she lost, just that she was happy to survive the robbery.
“God is GREAT! I can add robbery at gunpoint to the list of things I have survived. Material things stolen life still here. What a day!” Wrote Adelle.
The presenter also revealed she was saying the Lord’s prayer throughout the dreadful incident.
“Throughout the robbery I was chanting the Lord’s prayer LOUDLY. One thug even told me I was making noise. Man, I am alive. What a day!”