“Kingi is innocent and even better than Uhuru”, Raila declares in the Ksh51 million loss.

ODM party leader, Raila Odinga has said Kilifi governor Amason Kingi is innocent and not culpable for the loss of Sh51 million.
In the financial year report, 2014-2015, Auditor general, Edward Ouko had questioned why the Kilifi County paid a total Sh133.2 million through the recurrent account without using the Ifmis financial management platform, the national online payment system as required by law.
The Auditor said the expenditure could not be confirmed, as county finance officers failed to explain why Ifmis had not been made fully operational.
Raila defended the ODM kilifi pointman and said Kingi, actually acted swiftly to thwart loss of more funds by instigating investigation.
Following the graft allegation, kilifi governor initiated an investigation and suspended 10 county officials implicated in the scam, they included; health chief officer, Timothy Malingi and accountants Paul Mwanzo (Treasury), Jacob Konde (Health), John Kalume (Finance) and Josephine Muramba (Education).
The Cord leader further bashed Jubilee leaders who scolded him for remaining mute on the Kilifi scam saying he was out of the country and could not speak without facts.
Also read:
While on a ‘Jubilee marketing exercise’ in the coast region, Deputy President William Ruto directed investigators to ensure culprits are apprehended in the alleged theft of Sh1.18 billion from the Kilifi government accounts.
Raila who was addressing journalists at Tamarind hotel, said that after holding an overnight meeting with Kilifi officials including the governor he got answers.
he said as reported in a local daily.
The ODM leader, blamed IFMIS for the loss of funds and said Kingi was better than President Uhuru Kenyatta who defends corrupt officials instead of calling for an investigation.
It is suspected that cartels from IFMIS, and five banks where money was deposited and county officials colluded to loot funds

About this writer:

Baba Ghafla