Kilifi MCA caught naked fondling unknown woman (Photos)

Over the past one week, Kilifi county has been dominating headlines after it emerged that the coastal county had lost Kes 51 million from its bank accounts after an electronic money transfer system was manipulated.
Apparently malicious persons stole passwords belonging to 10 officials and used them to access the Integrated Financial Management Information System (IFMIS) and siphoned money from the county government’s account at the Central Bank of Kenya (CBK).
Raila Odinga and his Cord brigade have been to Kilifi county on a mission to assure residents Governor Amason Kingi had nothing to do with the lost money.
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Well, it seems Kilifi county isn’t done ‘entertaining’ the country; photos of a naked MCA from Kilifi county romancing with an unknown lady have hit the social media.
A certain Calos Arap Sang posted raunchy photos of a man he claimed was Mnarani MCA, Hon. Kahindi Geoffrey Muhambi.
Sang claimed the MCA was using the money stolen from Kilifi county’s account to pleasure himself with the unknown lady.
In another photo, the said MCA is completely naked as he leaned over to his sweetheart while they were enjoying quality time in a pool.

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Baba Ghafla