Kenya’s Only Openly Homosexual Gospel Artist Joji Baro On K24’s Faraja. Watch The Video Here
Just last week we found ourselves asking, “Whatever happened to Joji Baro?” and as if the divine heard us, we received word that he was back and was going to feature on a K24 interview.
And the same interview featured more than Kenya’s first openly gay gospel singer. It featured a singer by the name Frigacy who is open about his H.I.V status -and yes, he’s positive. So last week, K24 played host to Kenya’s first openly gay celebrity and Kenya’s first openly H.I.V positive artist.
And Joji Baro opened up about alot including his first homosexual encounter which was with a “mchungaji”. He talks about his lust for boys developing when he was playing football with tyhe lads. he also broke my heart talking about how Kenyan parents ostracize their own children upon discovering their sexual orientation.
Watch the interview below: