Kenyans Taunt Nyambane Over Kidero’s Banner That Only Appeals To Nairobi Grannies (Photos)

Ex Redykyulass comedian is being taunted by Kenyans on social media thanks to the blunder with Kidero poster!

Walter Mongare aka Nyambane is now serving in Nairobi County government as City County’s Communication Director.

Nyambane’s work with Kidero’s posters that are calling Nairobians to register as voters is the subject of discussion on social media.

Kenyans took shots at Nyambane for using old sheng that no longer makes sense to the digital generation.

Dikembe Disembe lead the online onslaught against Nyambane’s wanting sheng.

“Someone tell comedian Nyambane next time he should first learn the new sheng trend in Nairobi before pulling on us this Suneka sheng. Nyambane is stuck in ‘ridiculous’ era when he was the king of sheng. Like seriously!!! This is 2016! Eti BAMBA kura yako. If Governor Evans Kidero’s press team is full of jokers, he can still fail.”


Felixmakori: Bw’asande hehehe

Cebbie Koks: Suneka sheng? Gaii

Cockgen Cox: Limonya He he he,

Charles Mark Dienya: They are Jokers, that’s the truth.

Elias Bosire Nyaberi: Seth OdongoHehehe Withdraw the ‘Suneka’ sheng thing.They don’t mean ‘kura’ all they meant was ‘Kula’

Kriss Molo Nyakemicha: sheng…hehee

Governor Woodboy Mkenya: Hehehe huyu msee awache hizo ama ni swear affidavit

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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere