Kenyan Youth Joins World’s MOST Brutal Terror Group ISIS After Kenyan Anti-Terror Police Illegally Arrested And Tortured Him (Photos)

“I declare war and I would rather die on my feet than on my knees!!!” The plight of Kenyan youth who has joined ISIS for what he terms as ‘seeking justice’.

I assume you are all too aware of ISIS which has the objective of creating caliphate state in the Middle East and North Africa.

ISIS outstripped Al-Qaeda, Taliban, Al-shabab and Boko Haram to become the most dreaded terror group the world has ever witnessed.

Their choice of punishment for their perceived enemies is usually decapitation, in instances where they take hostages.

Enough of the intro, Hassani Santiagoh Justice Omar, as he calls himself on Facebook, has informed Kenyans he joined ISIS to seek justice.

The Kenyan youth says he was arrested by Anti-Terror Police in the streets who then tortured him with no apparent reason other than his Muslim name.

Hassani confirmed he joined ISIS saying he underwent a series of lessons and training in Sirare.


After series of lessons and training in Sirare, I now want to join my fellow members in ensuring Justice prevail to all Humans, be it Muslim or Christian. I want to thank Sheikh Maalim Abu Mansoor for such Great hospitality and support though out my three week training. To my fellow clansmen, I want to thank you for the great support you have accorded me.ALHAMDULILLAH!”

Maybe Hassani wants to be another Jihadi John. Anyhow, see his photos below:







About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere