Kenyan Teen Follows In The Footsteps Of Lewis Hamilton To Win A Formula 1 Race (Photos)

Talk of competitions and the whole world would relate marathons with Kenyans. Give the same Kenyans a chance to hang on a thin piece of whatever it is, used to make the pole vault and everyone would utter their heartfelt ‘bull shits’

Kenyans have made up their minds and now it’s time to go aboard and do what others can do too.

Yego started it with his YouTube antics and is now throwing his javelin further than any magic would, and now its turn for our youngest Kenyan to try his best in the world that only the likes of British Formula 1 driver, Lewis Hamilton, would.

16-year-old Jeremy Wahome has proven he can do this better in his miniature jeep, banking three rookie wins, two second place finishes and one third place in the just ended BMW Asia Cup Series in Malaysia.

I think someone should bring back #someone tell CNN…



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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere