Kenyan Rapper Airs Out His Comment In Regard To The Athlete Who Collapsed In A Brothel After Ingesting Herbal Viagra (Photos)

Leave Viagra to old chaps who sleep senseless after a single shot. Sex enhancement products almost robbed an athlete of his dear life.

I bet you have heard about former NBA basketball star Lamar Odom? For starters, the ninja was found unconscious in a room at a legal brothel in Nevada, USA after ingesting a mixture of herbal Viagra and cocaine.

Doctors stated the 35-year-old stood a 50/50 chance of a full recovery and even advised the family to expect anything.

The incident happened about a week ago. Against all odds, Lamar Odom opened his eyes and made a brief utterance, according to a representative for the family.

His ‘quick recovery’ is what caught the attention of Kenyan rapper, Bamboo’ who disclosed he had been praying for him ever since he heard about his condition.

Bamboo says he dedicated a considerable chunk of his precious time to present his petition before the Lord, asking the Maker to grant the former NBA player recovery.

Can I get an amen? Well the born again rapper is certain his prayers worked miracle.

“I really prayed for Lamar Odom to come out of the coma he was in. I pray for so many other things but this case really touched my heart for some reason so I made sure to take some extra time out to present my petition before the Lord for Lamar to recover. When he was admitted he was vomiting a white substance from his mouth and bleeding thru His nose, he was also suffering massive organ failure, the doctors said his chances were slim to none of recovery. They really expected him to die. I’m so amped, God answeres prayer. Jesus really did it. Now I pray that Lamar’s life turns around for the better.”




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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere