Kenya Airways Hostess Causing A Stir… Not For A Good Reason Though (Photo)

Hope Kenya Airways will register profit this year; the action of its hostess is already making Kenyans talk ill of the national carrier when the year is still very young.

They say a photo speaks a thousand words and true to this phrase, a photo of a Kenya Airways hostess has generated all sort of interpretations.

We all know the national carrier has been on a loss making spree, but not many knew things were that bad to the expend that KQ employees have been reduced to sourcing for their clothes at roadside mitumba stall.

A KQ hostess was seen sampling mitumba clothes that were being sold at Kes 100 bob and the reaction from Kenyans was overwhelming, not in a good way.

The lady was donning the ‘adored’ Kenya Airways uniform as she went by her business sampling mitumba clothes not knowing a curious person took her photo and shared it online.

There is nothing wrong with mitumba clothes but when it’s a KQ hostess buying mitumba, then everything is wrong.

“I started telling people that KQ was in shit in 2013. I was dismissed. Always listen to me please!!!” One Robert Alai posted after seeing the KQ lady buy mitumba clothes.


About this writer:

Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere