
¨Kardashians-Kenyan branch¨ Kenyans mock Diana and Bahati for taking control of their nanny´s personal affairs

Kenyan drama-filled couple, The Bahati´s are now the victims of online trolls after proving they can rule everyone under their roof.

First, was Bahati´s first daughter, Mueni´s Instagram account that Bahati officially took over, locking out baby mama, Yvette Obura.

That is fine, probably Mueni is too young to control her account. About locking Yvette, they can sort that out.

Bahati and his baby mama, Yvette Obura with their daughter, Mueni Bahati

However, thing is, fans now believe The Bahatis have gone overboard on how they command whoever is under their roof.

So now, their nanny has fallen victim. A woman old enough to be their elder, let alone control her own social media accounts.

Diana Marua´s nanny, Irene Nekesa has an account in her name but she does not run it. It is apparently run by her employers, The Bahatis.



This was revealed in a post where Diana and Bahati were seemingly responding to the nanny, trying to make it look like it was a normal conversation.

However, Kenyans are a bit wiser than that.

They have shifted eyes to Diana, who they believe has much more on her hands to handle rather than controlling her nanny´s accounts.



Fans have decided to mock her with all sorts of crazy comments airing:

Where do they get time to do all these things and still be together and still take care of the baby and still go shopping. I don’t even have time for a relationship.


Things we do to stay at the top of our game.


They’re Kardashians-Kenyan branch…don’t take them too seriously.


Now the kids will start commenting on that nanny’s posts
“You are the best aunt”.


And Diana will be posting pics on that nanny’s account with the caption #BestBossEver then logs in to her account and comments “Awwwww you are the best nanny ever” ????‍♀️


 Just a reflection of PR society we live in. Marketing is greater than Nuclear Physics.


IG couples are a weird man. Bahati & wife created an account for their nanny too. And you can clearly tell it’s them running it. What level of psycho narcissism is that??

About this writer:

Gloria Katunge
