
Zari posts receipts proving she paid 300K on her Loius Vuitton purse

I feel like Zari the Boss Lady is a wealthy aunt. This frequently draws criticism over her lifestyle and anything that happened recently.

How did it begin?

She posted pictures of herself holding a Louis Vuitton purse while approaching her Jeep and sweeping over her driveway in her South African house.

She wore the purse with an outfit of cream color.

Success takes time to achieve. It occurs when you improve little each day on top of the previous one. Everything adds up. “- Dwayne Johnson,” she wrote as the video’s caption on Monday, January 8.

She was not pleased when a man bluntly informed her that her bag was a fake. The mother of five took to her Instagram stories to aggressively respond to the comments, expressing her displeasure with it.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
