
‘You Will Be Betrayed, Cheated On, But Seek Help When Necessary’ Daddy Owen On Mental Illness

Renowned Kenyan gospel artist Daddy Owen has been undergoing a lot after his break-up with beautiful wife Farida Wambui. As he reveals, he had been undergoing depression for a while because of this reason. In addition, Daddy Owen already had two kids with his ex-wife. However, all that is in the past now, and Daddy is healing. He’s now encouraging those who undergo the same to speak up and seek help when necessary.

Daddy Owen deletes wife's pictures on social media – Nairobi News

Daddy Owen’s Advice On Mental Illness

On his gram, Owen wrote,

”…Since when I came out and said I have been facing mental illness many despised me, ridiculed, many called me names.. (majina zingine nimejulia tu kwa mtandao) but that dint deter me from speaking the TRUTH and I won’t stop because such things should be shouted from the rooftops!

Many dint know what I was going through (cant wait nimalize ile kitabu, pale nimefungua roho)
People are going through alot, I am not the 1st and I won’t be the last but I want to help others by speaking out!…
Yet I know very well what I am going through, but meeting people here and there I have discovered mine is a shadow, watu wanapitia mambo huku nje na bado wanapiga suti na marashi deadly na wanasmile tu ????

The messages I got and I still get in my inbox is to encourage me to keep doing what I am doing which is to encourage people out there that no matter what u r going through GOD is in control and don’t lose hope! U will be betrayed, wasted, cheated on, despised, lose your jobs, lose money, kicked out but all in all trust in the LORD, binadamu ni yule yule kama walimsaliti Yesu je wewe ni nani?
One thing is don’t be afraid to speak up and speak the TRUTH! NO MATTER WHAT! SEEK HELP WHEN NECESSARY!


About this writer:

Dennis Elnino

Content Developer Email: [email protected]
