
Xtian Dela and Edgar Obare are the new digital evolution

Xtian Dela and Edgar Obare seem to have discovered a new way for young Kenyans to utilize Kenya’s fledgeling digital space in a way that generates income for them and allow them to potentially generate employment opportunities for themselves.

Club Covid’s Xtian Dela killed on social media

Xtian Dela, for instance, is a peculiar one because he lost his job at Kiss 100 FM and he has found a way to work through Covid-19’s quarantine too not only make money for himself but to set his Instagram account at the forefront of young Kenyan’s cultural awareness.

xtian dela's new car

When everyone was busy sitting at home using their WiFi connection to stream off Netflix and those other piracy sites, Xtian deal decided to use his to give him fast connection so he could keep randy Kenyans entertained with Club Covid.

Xtian Dela reveals the shocking amount raised by men during his Club COVID show! (Video)

Edgar Obare’s is more of a long time sort of deal. He has been working at building his platform to the point where he is Kenya’s answer to America’s Dj Akademiks. He is a micro-blogger who has all the biggest scoops before the major tabloids have them. As a result, he has seen his following grow in leaps and bounds (as have his enemies and haters sadly) and he currently sits on a following of one hundred and seventy-one thousand followers.
he recently announced that he was launching a website that he would run and make money from the platform.

xtian dela

And indeed these two are the evolution of the digital landscape. Gone are the days when young Kenyans had to wait to get with the big platforms and tabloids. Now, the red tape and business modalities are no longer an obstruction as Kenyan youth are creating digital brands for themselves, learning to microblog then turning a profit off it.

“Hiyo ni pesa yetu ya nyonga fest?” Fans question Club Covid’s owner Xtian Dela after gifting himself a brand new sleek ride! (Photo)

Xtian Dela wasn’t the only one who decide too provide adult entertainment, he was competing with the likes of Vera Sidika but because he had thought through the entire process, he was able to do so successfully while Vera’s stuff often had issues, both technical and otherwise.

edgar obare
Tea master, Edgar Obare

Edgar Obare has been minting money from the ads he posts on his Instagram stories and reportedly charging five thousand per post and he on average has five slots taken up so you do the math… And he does this everyday…

Edgar Obare brutally exposes controversial vlogger caught in another fraud scandal (Video)

The future is upon us.


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
