Willis Raburu’s girlfriend admits feeling helpless and tired after son fell ill
They say motherhood is a full time job and I’m pretty sure Ivy Namu now understands what that means not forgetting what it takes to be a mum.
I’ve heard that it’s tough – there are days that include sleepless nights, fatigue and worse – tending to a sick baby and all you can rely on medication alone. Well, Ivy Namu and partner Willis Raburu have not been having it easy after their son fell ill recently.
According to the new mum – despite all the advise she’s gathered from fellow mums and even her own mum – nothing would have ever prepared her on how to handle a sick baby.

Nothing could’ve prepared me for how intense it is to have a sick baby.
In a detailed post shared on her Instagram page, Namu narrated her experience with a sick baby saying;
I feel so sorry for him and helpless. And I am also very tired. He is tired of the meds but hatuna otherwise. I hope today is even better than the last couple of days. For now it’s lots of cuddles & TLC for my little one.
But the good thing is that baby is responding well to his medications; meaning this will be over even before Ivy Namu and Willis Raburu realize it.