Willis Raburu on why he was forced to undergo gastric bypass surgery
Willis Raburu tried working out to lose some unwanted body fat, but I guess the whole gym idea and feeling didn’t work out so good for him so he quit.
However with or without the gym he had no option but to find a way to shed off the weight since his doctor felt the excess body fat would result to something serious like death.

He told me if I was not going to lose some kilograms of the body weight, sooner or later, it would be a recipe for my death
However this is not something he wants now that he has a young family with a son and another baby on the way with fiancé Ivy Namu; hence his decision to undergo gastric bypass surgery to help him lose the weight. Speaking about this in recent interview – Willis Raburu said;
I went for gastric bypass surgery. I respect people who persistently go to the gym. The gym is a lot of work. I had a good trainer but I would lose weight but I would regain that weight again very quickly.
Body fat becoming a burden
Well another he decided to cut off the unwanted weight is because his clothes also started to become too tight; and above all – his blood pressure kept spiking every now and then making him to lose his breathe.
It’s not fun waking up and trying a trouser and it doesn’t fit you. You equally worry. By the time I was going for the surgery I was not doing well. I was 164kgs I needed the surgery because my blood pressure and cholesterol were high