
“I will work out for the sake of my fans” DK Kwenye Beat

Singer DK Kwenye Beat has finally given in to working out on his weight. This comes weeks after fans trolled him for having gained a bit too much making him look out of shape.

At first he was convinced that the pressure and memes would disappear over time but seems that Kenyans were on a roll to make him change. Apart from the heartless memes, others went on to advice him on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.

Also read: DK Kwenye Beat tells his sad story after years of being fat shamed by fans, this is heartbreaking!

Speaking to the Nation just recently the singer had this to say;

“Since November last year, it has been like a song. DK you need to work out, DK you need to hit the gym. For emphasis, memes have been created and shared online. I have seen it all and I almost quit social media but I resolved to stay and respond to the criticism with love, with my story. When I started out, most people knew me as a petite guy. The hustle was crazy then and so much has changed. The life I had and what I have now are different. Then, I couldn’t even afford a burger.”

Losing weight for his fans

As weird as it sounds, DK Kwenye Beat says the only reason he is joining the gym is to make his fans happy. He said,

“I have to consider what my fans are saying because I believe that they have my best interests at heart. That said I will work out to be fit because I don’t want them to say, man, we are your fans but you don’t listen to us. Worth noting is that my weight has not had any effect on my health. I am okay.”

But truth be told. In this generation we are living in one has to stay healthy to live longer and not impress fans!

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
