“I will vote for Ruto in 2022 but now am voting for Raila”Donald Kipkorir reveals why he’s against Uhuru presidency
Flamboyant lawyer Donald Kipkorir has openly stated why he ditched his friend Uhuru Kenyatta in favor of a Raila Odinga presidency.
Kipkorir, a close ally of Deputy President William Ruto, stated that both Uhuru and Raila are sons of Kenya’s founding fathers but clarified that he will be voting for Raila because he wants to show that Kenya can still prosper without either a Kikuyu or Kalenjin president.

“Why I Am Voting Raila
“Most Kenyan votes vote along tribal lines without any debate, and I don’t begrudge. In 2022, I will vote for William Ruto without persuasion. But I will not vote because I hate other tribes or other candidates. I have never harbored any hatred or hate in my breast.
“The Presidential Race is now between two Princelings: Son of Jomo and Son of Jaramogi. Kenya’s two true Royal families. Majority of Kikuyus will vote for Uhuru, and Majority of Luos will vote Raila.
“Other tribes will vote for historical reasons and affiliations.
“Others will cast a negative vote; Voting for one candidate because they hate the other. Negative vote also cuts across the big tribes. Some tribes have been socialized to hate other tribes.
“I want to vote RAO not because of any of the above reasons. I consider both Princelings my friends though our backgrounds are as different as day and night. My vote is purely a mental trip …. I want to show that Kenya without either a Kikuyu or Kalenjin President wouldn’t be hit by an asteroid. And that Luos are just like you and I. When we all cross this mental bridge, we will be like Germany: holding General Elections and a global Marathon same day.”