‘I will take him away if you want me to’ Harmonize’s ex and current Caucasian girlfriend go ham on each other on texts (Photo)
Image: Harmonize Kissing his girlfriendAll is not well between Harmonize’s ex, Wolper and American lady, Sarah as revealed recently through a WhatsApp screenshot shared on social media by the Wasafi record’s girlfriend.

From the conversation seems that Wolper and Sarah have been having issues between themselves since they are both in love with the same man and from the look of things none of them knows what the singer wants, and for that reason they have to stay cautious of each other.
Wolper and Harmonize however broke up a few months after learning that the singer had been cheating on her with the Caucasian lady.

However even though things between the two are over, Wolper is seen ‘threatening’ Sarah not to dare her when it comes to Harmonize since she can take her man anytime she wishes.
Not quite sure what the deal is but there is definitely some drama brewing! Check out the Whatsapp screenshot;