
“I will put that kofia on my head as I graduate” Jalang’o finds his way back to school!

Comedian cum Radio presenter Jalang’o is back to school to seek further education in University. The popular Jalas revealed that he would be going back to school and for those who doubted him; then you should catch up with his class posts on Instagram.

Also read; “Machali Wa Buru wahame kutoka kwa nyumba za mama zao!” Screams Jalang’o 

We understand that he is taking media classes at a popular University located along Ngong road where the likes of Eric Omondi and many schooled.

For him, talent is not enough to keep him going and for this reason he is back to school to seek more knowledge.

Jalang’o vows to graduate from university

Having been out of school for years, Jalang’o seems not to be having an easy time but this will not slow him down.

In his latest post, the comedian is seen cheering himself up as he wrote to say;

Its good luck from us!

About this writer:

Pauline Syombua

Content Developer IG: Kermbua
