
You will definitely fall off your chair after seeing how much money Vera spends on lunch(PHOTO)

She calls herself the Queen Bosset and definitely doesn’t desist from acting and living like one.

Not only does she live in one hell of a mansion and drive a top of the Range Rover, she also spends money…on even the slightest of things like lunch.

Also read: Vera Sidika takes a swipe at Huddah after she goes to Miami for surgery and in the process reveals how she hates her body(VIDEO)

Just how much is your lunch money by the way?

150? 300? or 600 perhaps?

Just know it doesn’t matter as it will never amount to how much Vera Sidika spends….which is in the thousands at the Tribe.

Here, just have a look:

Vera Sidika


About this writer:

Irari Ngugi

Lover of life, lover of big boobs and certified celebrity squasher. Catch me if you can on facebook as Irari Ngugi
