Why Zari can only blame herself for the hate she receives over her body
Image: Zari HassanZari has been having a rough time of it ever since she landed in Tanzania to allow Diamond Platnumz to see and spend time with his two children by her ex, Nillan and Tiffah. You see, thanks to all the features on smartphones plus the filters that come on social media, Zari has had a “forever 21” mystique. She has managed to look beautiful for more than one would think possibly nor probable for a forty-something-year-old mother of five.
“Problem is you are fake and you lie too much” Mange Kimambi blasts Zari Hassan after socialites ‘fat’ photos emerge online
I mean, make no mistake about it, Zari is an attractive woman (or I should say was) and even for a woman her age, she looks better than most. However, she takes things too far with her use of filters to do away with all her flaws and to enhance her beauty. She uses the apps to do away with any blemishes on her skin, to trim her fat folds and fat limbs aswell as to tuck away any unsightly areas of fat.

As a result, Zari has created unrealistic beauty standards and expectations for herself, unrealistic standards that have come back to haunt her as she is not going to be able to uphold the expectations she herself created. And as a result, she has given her enemies a lot of fodder and ammunition for their weapon of choice; words.
“Wanaumia mpaka wanaharisha” Zari Hassan claps back at fat shaming trolls
And she has quite a repertoire of haters but one thing I can say is that the most intelligent by far is Mange Kinambi who has been a thorn in her’s and Diamond Platnumz’side. So when Zari tried to claim that she was being fat-shamed, Mange knew to keep the debate focused on the truth: Mama Tiffah had created beauty standards she herself was unable to maintain and she cannot do anything to respond to the very accurate argument that:

Usibadilishe topic. Tatizo sio unene, tatizo sio wewe kunenepa. Nenepa kwa raha zako. Kwanza kuna watu wanapendeza wakiwa wanene hadi raha, mashepu hadi kuleeee. We jinenepee ukitaka pasuka kabisa.
Zari Hassan cruelly trolled by Tanzanians over massive weight that has left her looking like Diamond Platnumz aunty
So what is Zari to do? Well, for starters, she should stop doing all the photo editing she used to do. She needs to accept that nature favoured her for a time but father time has caught up with her. She should accept her body, warts and all and be truly proud of who she is and the body she has but I am pretty sure that once she is back in South Africa, she will go back to photoshopping and using filters although her life depended on it.

And as a result, Zari will continue to be the lightning rod of online hate as women who were once enamoured by the image she portrayed, now attack her for daring to feed their insecurity and falling far more than short of perfection.
Emotional moments as Diamond Platnumz welcomes Zari and their kids into Tanzania (Video)
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