
Why my cousin and driver were at my house the day Jeff Mwathi died – DJ Fatxo

Jeff Mwathi had been with DJ Fatxo, Fatxo’s cousin, and their driver on the day of his death.

This was only discovered following the release of a video Jeff shot while at Fatxo’s place.

Fatxo provided an explanation for why his driver and the cousin were at his house on that critical night in an exclusive conversation with Massawe Japanni.

“They (Driver and Fatxo’s cousin) come to my place a lot.

My driver is from Kinagop where I was born and raised. He was also my schoolmate.

He was an Uber driver but lost his job, so I decided to help him by offering him a job.

Sometimes he would ask to come over to my place and just hang around and I couldn’t say no since I live alone.

By the time of the incident, I had only stayed for three months.”

How did his cousin end up living with him?

“By the time the incident happened my cousin had stayed with me for a month.

 I had gone home for a Cousin’s event when he approached my mum and asked her to talk to me.

He wanted me to mentor him and requested to be curtain-raising for me.

That is why I was with them most of the time.”

On February 22, 2023, Mwathi, age 23, passed away in an undetermined manner.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
