
Why Isaac Mwaura wants Charity Ngilu arrested after Kikuyu singer who composed anti-Kamba song is arraigned in court

John Gichiri Njau was on Monday morning arraigned in court. The vernacular singer composed the infamous Ikamba song that disses the Kamba community.

Ikamba song has lyrics querying what the Kamba community will eat when the mango season is over. The singers suggest that Kambas will feed on dogs and wild birds.

The song was composed after Charity Ngilu banned charcoal trade in Kitui county. Some trucks ferrying charcoal from Kitui were set ablaze following the ban. The lorries belonged to members of Kikuyu community.

John Gichiri Njau when he appeared before Nairobi Chief Magistrate Francis Andayi. He was charged with three counts of ethnic contempt.
Time for Ngilu to face the music

Isaac Mwaura also wants Charity Ngilu to be charged in court for fanning ethnic tensions. The nominated senator says it’s impunity for the Kitui governor not to be charged alongside the Ikamba hate mongers.

“Isn’t it telling that the two musicians who sang a song against the Kamba Community have have been charged yet Charity Ngilu is yet to be arraigned in court. If NCIC chair says that it’s Ferdinard Waititu who started it, why is he yet to be charged almost two months later?” Wrote Isaac Mwaura.



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Martin Oduor

Ultimate keyboard ninja dedicated to bringing you the juiciest stories on blogosphere
