
Why is it only fat women who’re protected from body shaming?

Have you noticed how it’s only fat women who get to enjoy the benefits of body positivity and who get protected from body shaming case in point Vera Sidika very recently came out to mock skinny women for no apparent reason.

Even when it comes to obese men there doesn’t seem to be any celebration of their fitness or their “other” beauty. This is exemplified by the fact that we never Amerix talks about fat men no one seems to care nor butt an eyelid but the minute he speaks about fat women feminists go crazy why is that the case?

When you think about it feminist claim feminism is for both men and women that is meant to create equality and make the world better for both genders however in practice feminism seems to only be concerned with female superiority. That is why it provides such a convenient crutch for fat women.

When you begin to speak about obesity and how harmful it can be for any individuals have only fat women get excuses made for them things such as thyroid disorders and hormonal imbalances get thrown around even though people who suffer from such issues form less than 10% of the population 90% of all women by the slightly overweight or morbidly obese use this in their defence.

Yet when it comes to men they are seen as simply lazy. Hell, it’s worse for skinny women who get marked by fat women and men who have been confused into finding obesity attractive (claiming such women to be thick). So why are obese women a protected class it ultimately all boils down to a successful ad campaign for Dove which in all honesty was so successful I would love to see it studied in universities as a case study.

I for one and even mad at the grift I’d only like to see the veil of hypocrisy get thrown back so that we can all admit that the body positivity movement is what it is



Dove’s “Real Beauty” Campaign: Body Positive Promotion or Genderwashing?

About this writer:


My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
