
Why every horrible gossip about Betty Kyallo is believed

Image: Betty Kyallo

Betty Kyallo has had to come out to clarify the fact that some quotes being attributed to her online are a crock of faeces. The quote in question had her explaining that she would never date a broke man and it went on to advise young women to disdain broke men in favour of older, more established (read rich) men.

‘Cars Don’t Impress Me’ – Betty Kyallo Refutes Dating Only Rich Men (Screenshots)

But why is it that every little negative gossip about her is instantly swallowed up by the general public? I mean, she is not responsible for what idiots attribute to her nor is she responsible for the fact that other idiots swallow the lies but what she is responsible for is her brand and the way people view it. Why? Because “Caesar’s wife must be above reproach”.

Why is it so easy to believe that Betty Kyallo only dates rich men? Is it perhaps because she doesn’t have a poor man in her long list of lovers, past and present? Would you believe the same rumours if you heard them about say… Lulu Hassan? I wouldn’t and I doubt you would either. Why is that?

Betty Kyallo finally addresses ‘sponsor’ rumors

Is it simply because Betty Kyallo is easy to hate or is it down to the fact that her brand isn’t exactly something that is taken seriously or in high regard? Actually think about it. Why do people find it so easy to believe anything? I doubt its down to the fact that the lies were so well crafted. I would argue it’s because when you think of her, you believe she is capable of some of the BS attributed to her. At the back of your mind and in the recesses of your heart you know what I am saying is true.

It probably stems from the manner in which she conducted herself at the time her marriage to Denis Okari was coming to an end. We were treated to an entire scandal as more and more lurid information came out including the allegation that she had an affair with a Mombasa politician who was known as Sultan. And this was all while she was still with her husband. Then the rumours came out about how she disrespected him when they were split and had even moved into the Mombasa politician’s apartment.

Brian Kyallo’s statement about Betty Kyallo is very telling

Then after all that, Kenyans don’t seem to have forgiven her for allegedly keeping their daughter away from him and this played out publicly once more and we got to watch it unfold when their daughter was admitted to hospital and had to be put onto life support. These things add up and they only work to make Betty Kyallo look like a terrible woman.

So ofcourse, people would not wish her well. and schadenfreude settles in. That in effect dilutes our better judgement so when we see a story about her, we are more inclined to believe it. Can she fix her reputation? Perhaps but I doubt she is ever going to do the work so we are just going to have to keep repeating what we saw play out until it gets old and we move on.

Or… Hear me out… Or she could just get into politics.


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
