
Why Eric Omondi is what most Kenyan men wish they were

Image: “I’ve been on a gym workout routine for 8 months,” Eric Omondi explains his ‘sudden’ weight gain

We have to give Eric Omondi his credit. Why? Because I am a believer in giving people their bouquets while they are still alive and with us. As such, we all have to acknowledge that Eric Omondi has found a way to hack into the Kenyan female psyche and as a result, he is always with very attractive babes -and when they are getting on in years, they are at least very noteworthy for their fame.

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The most recent case in which he finds his name being mentioned is alongside Sophia Wanuna’s name. The two reportedly spent New Year’s Eve onto the new year together and were caught on camera by some busy body Edgar Obare “student”. Actually, that sentence made me realise a very worrying thing… Nowhere is safe.

Anyway, Eric Omondi was more than merely canoodling with Sophia Wanuna. They were locking lips and swapping spit and he was also kissing her neck. Something I am reliably told women find very sensual. This of course has caused the usual furore from Kenyans online who cannot fathom what Sophia Wanuna would ever see in the comedian.

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I mean, Kenyans will be Kenyans and they will Kenyan online all the time so I guess that shouldn’t have come as a surprise to me but here we are. So what exactly is it that makes Eric Omondi the most desirable bachelor in Nairobi for most of these ladies?

Let’s dive right into that and I will unveil why it is that he is what and who many Kenyan men wish to be but can’t. And to start us off we are going to kick things off right at the most obvious of places:

Eric Omondi Leaves Netizens Talking With New Hairstyle (Photo)

He is a famous comedian

To the uninitiated, this is no big deal. But for you and I who understands female hypergamy, we know that this is a very potent aphrodisiac for women. It isn’t enough that he is a success at his chosen career but the added advantage of being famous (truly by the very definition of the word) across not just Kenya but East Africa aswell is a huge advantage that he clearly wields to his favour. Think about it, which lady wouldn’t want to be associated with the top dog? And where do you go from dating him? Ask Chantelle Grazioli who is now dating a very pretty unknown man. She definitely misses the perks that came with dating Bwana Omondi. Although, I will admit that he siped hard for her after she dumped him.

Eric Omondi Bandbeca

He has money

In Disney movies and in your mother’s bedtime stories, a Princess will love you for you. In the real world not even the wench loves you for who you are unless who you are is a famous and rich comedian. Gone are the days when men would blindly accept the bullshit about being love not costing a thing. No woman wort her salt would ever brazenly show that she is purely interested in the money but they are. It is like a subtle dance. Men chase women for their beauty and youth, women pursue men for their resources.

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He is fun

Let’s face it, you can be the most moneyed of men but the minute you are a bore, even the gold digger by your side will put in the bare minimum effort to maintain her position; she will be bored the entire time and you will know it. That is something Eric Omondi knows how to leverage. He is fun and unpredictable. You see a comic protesting on the streets getting arrested, your girlfriend sees a brazen free spirit and she moistens.

Co-parents, Jacque Maribe and Eric Omondi

He is relatively in shape

Eric Omondi is in a shape other than round or some mishappen polythene paperbag filled with water. Most men within his tax bracket are fat so the fact that he is skinny fat is a huge advantage. Hold up, remember that he’s now in the gym and you get what I am getting at. He looks better naked than the old (sometimes grandfather age old) men that Sophia Wanuna has been linked to by rumour mills. Why wouldn’t she want to climb ontop of him?

Eric Omondi In Bitter Rant After Prezzo Mocked Him For Being Indecisive (Screenshot)

He is not judgemental

Eric Omondi doesn’t care about a lady’s past. He just wants to focus on them having the time of their lives. That is why the people associated with ladies don’t faze him. He is laser focused on having fun and moving on. If Kenyan men could learn one thing, it would be this trait. Live and let live along as you aren’t trying to make an honest woman out of “her”. Don’t bring up her ex, don’t bring up her current men, just focus on the activity the two of you are engaged in and keep it light and fun. That way, when she finally leaves your space, she associates “good vibes” with you.

The only down side about him is that he is a simp. We have seen him do some incredibly dumb things for his first official girlfriend. Things that made me sad to witness. Things that I would genuinely slap him for doing were I in his inner circle but what do I know?

Did I forget to mention that Eric Omondi is actually a snazz dresser? No, not when he is wearing costumes for his performances, I mean when he is just moving around. If you don’t think that is something that women appreciate, then you do not know women.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
