
Why Eric Omondi and Jacque Maribe fixed their issues

Image: Jacque Maribe with Eric Omondi and their son, Zahari

Eric Omondi and Jacque Maribe are the father and mother to a healthy and hearty young son. While this is now common knowledge, but there was a time when it was a heavily guarded and closely protected by media industry gatekeepers.

Eric Omondi shares story of how he met and fell in love with, Jacque Maribe!

When Jacque Maribe was in court for the mentioning and bail application of her and Joey Irungu’s court case pertaining to the murder of Monica Kimani. And while there one of the things that came to light is the fact that Eric Omondi had largely been a deadbeat father, not involved in any way shape or form in the life of their son. As a result, Jacque used this as one of the reasons for her application for bail/ bond and this says a lot about the nature of the relationship between them.

eric omondi

As you can expect, the two of them were not on the same page and had a non-existent relationship. But all that changed when Jacque Maribe was brought up on charges because she could be facing an extended amount of jail time. As a result of that reality aswell as the negative public attention that was poured his way.

“Motherhood is no mean feat!” Jacque Maribe pens on son’s 6th birthday (Photos)

And so they made peace and have been sharing photographs of them enjoying time with their son and Eric Omondi has seemingly thrown himself deep into his formerly neglected role of fatherhood. But what really made him decide to fix his issues with the mother of his children? And I believe I know what it was that triggered his decision.

Eric Omondi and Jacque Maribe
Co-parents, Eric Omondi and Jacque Maribe

Eric Omondi and Jacque Maribe decided to get back together. I’m just kidding. I actually already mentioned it earlier, they are facing the possibility of Jacque Maribe facing a long amount of time behind bars. As one can imagine, this is something that would make any couple sober up.

Is it Jacque Maribe or Chantal? Eric Omondi finally explains his complicated relationship status!

And so, faced with the possibility that he might have no access to his son, Eric Omondi decided to get involved so that perhaps, should her case not pan out according to her hopes, Jacque Maribe might consider giving him custody of their son or in the very least, very generous visitation rights.

jacque maribe and eric omondi


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
