Why Betty Kyallo is desperate for a baby
Image: Betty KyalloBetty Kyallo is having a tough time because she is now desperate to have children and has realized time is running out. Yikes! And it is fascinating to see her realize that she does indeed have a biological clock.
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You see, she is one woman who happened to have the opportunity to settle down with men who the rest of the country was envious of. She had the chance to be with men whom we can all agree were either high value or high networth at the very least.

Betty Kyallo was married -unsuccessfully- to Denis Okari and the two were blessed with a daughter, Ivanna. The reason the marriage ended (if you ask Betty Kyallo) was because they were both toxic to each other. But I don’t remember Denis being exposed as having been involved in an affair with a high ranking governor who had even gifted him their car.
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And this lack of accountability continues to plague Betty Kyallo because we have seen her run down a list of men who she has dated but none of them has deemed her worthy of wifing up. Let that sink in. She has been in and out of relationships and having relations with men but none of them was willing to take the risk of making an honest woman of her andestablishing a family.

And now that she has entered her 30s, she is beginning to realize that her clock is running out. She wants a family and that is not happening in the conventional and healthy way. So now she is pining for half of that: a baby. She has begun her “God just give me a baby” prayers.
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And I cannot blame nor fault her for waking up to the realization. She is after all, a human being and we are animals at the end of the day; wired to reproduce, eat, sleep, defecate and then die. So Betty Kyallo is not strange for pining over babies. It also probably doesn’t help that her ex husband who she had tossed aside after finding a better option, is happily married and with a complete family unit of his own. Tough!

But what options are left for her? Well, she could always attempt IVF. But what people aren’t told about the process is that it has a high failure rate. Or she could simply find a man whose baby she wants to carry, mate and then move on.
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Not the most desireable of options.but it is what it is. And she is running out of time. She is facing the reality of a geriatric pregnancy. And with the way we have been living in the post-modern world, her diet is probably shite and I have seen that she works out but given the obvious lack of gains, we can conclude she does Instagram workouts so there are no benefits to her exercising… So let us move the age of geriatric pregnancy from 35 to about 32… Yeesh!

If I were to advise her, I would tell her to go and seek therapy. And not from some harpy feminist therapist but an actual counsellor. She has a lot of things to unpack and a lot of habits to unlearn. She should also actually start working out. Perhaps she should seek out Ronoh’s trainer. And if she has time after doing all that work, then she should seek a serious relationship. Then and only then should she think of getting a child.
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But knowing how Betty Kyallo functions (or better still, judging from her past decisions), she is instead going to continue “dating” men who simply want to be known for having slept with a celebrity and then they’ll move on. And she will eventually power on and decide to be a single mother for a second, different father and we will have her raise yet another child with the buggage and trauma she still bears.
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