
Why Aunty Boss’ Silprosa is so popular with Kenyan women

Silprosa whose government names are Sadra Dacha is one of the more popular actresses in Kenya and that is outside and beyond her role on the popular show Aunty Boss.

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She is actually a popular actress because she is an every-woman. Yup, that is Silprosa’s superpower.

You see, Silprosa has somehow managed to make herself the type of female celebrity whom every woman can see herself as. As a single mother who left her ex, as a working woman who has to juggle motherhood and her career, she is what every woman can relate to.

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Add to that the fact that she is not exactly a fit woman. You see, Silprosa has the type of struggle that every woman can relate to, one with her weight.


She isn’t a threat in any way shape or form so when Siprosa comes up, women’s evolved anti-competition gears do not start turning.


Add to that the fact that she is actually a very talented actress and the entire concoction comes together. Talent is the last factor.

But Silprosa’s ultimate weapon is her life story. It is the type that would make for an interesting show. It has it all. Silprosa has love drama, she has her come-up story, she has everything in spades.


So when women look at her, they can identify with one aspect of her life and struggles that is similar to their own. And Silprosa should actually consider using that to build yet another phase of her career, she could very well become the next Oprah.

I guarantee that was Silprosa a hot, nubile lass she wouldn’t be the darling she is to Kenyan women though.


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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
