
Why are we dogging on Willy Paul for hitting on women?

Image: Singer Willy Paul

Willy Paul has found himself in the headlines once again and this time it is due to him hitting on a girl who happens to be spoken for. Shock and horror hobsons and sealed as hypocritical Kenyans pretend he has done something wrong.

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It would make sense for the boyfriend to feel some type of way about what was happening but just while the rest of Kenyans speaking negatively about Willy Paul, a bachelor, going on the hunt for a new babe to warm is bed over the weekend?

Willy Paul

This is simply a case of willing buyer willing seller. A free market of sorts if you will in which willy Paul has enter the market and attempted to purchase the time and company of the beautiful young lady. She was unwilling so she shot him down and live naturally just keep moving on.

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Instead we are being treated to troglodytes acting like he did something wrong. Yet there’s a lot to celebrate about how he went into his attempt. He is clearly trying to practice safe sex and though he was curt, he offended no one as he tried to set up the date.

Willy Paul looking dapper

It’s not willy Paul who is meant to ensure your girlfriend is faithful to you. Bwana Mkunaji doesn’t owe you any loyalty. So why act surprised when you realise he wants your attractive woman to spend the night with him? In fact you should be honoured that’s such a high-value young man thinks your woman is attractive enough for him to risk shooting his shot.

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But I understand to why the boyfriend was insecure about it all after all, Pozze is a high-value young man with status money and he looks good. The trifecta would make many a man shiver.

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Ultimately it’s up to your girlfriend to self-police. When a man as highly sought-after as Willy Paul attempts to sleep with her it’s up to her to shut him down. Beyond that you should be trying to shame him for being a single man and doing what single men do.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
