
Who should betting firms have taken to Qatar?

Image: Comedian Crazy Kennar

Should betting firms have taken influences and celebrities to Qatar? That’s the question Robert allies Pact when he pointed out that it would have been better for them to take Kenyan athletes and footballers instead.

And while this doesn’t happen too often I’m inclined to agree with him that indeed betting firms should have opted to take footballers to watch the world cup as it would make more sense rather than taking lifestyle influencers and social media personalities.

The logic is pretty simple on this one; most betting firms make their money off of not just Sports Betting but football. I’m talking about the Premier League, La Liga, Serie A and the rest not to mention the FIFA World Cup too.

So why did they opt to take influences? At the end of the day, they are spending their own money and have a right to do so however they choose but the smart business move would have been to take footballers and chalk this up to it being CSR (corporate social responsibility) as this can be a tax write-off for the betting firms.

It would also have forced that goodwill among their grassroots clientele who also follow the local football league. Have the betting firms could even have sparked some inspiration in local football players and then return home and up their game.

But whatever the case may be, at the end of the day, the day ends.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
