
‘Who doesn’t make mistakes?’ Butita reflects on Miss Mandi’s past ridicule

Comedian Eddie Butita has revisited his fallout with former radio presenter and content creator Miss Mandi, who previously ridiculed his comedy.

Butita’s recent trip to the US, where he accompanied President William Ruto on a tour of filmmaker Tyler Perry’s studios, sparked social media discussions. Users unearthed a past tweet from Miss Mandi mocking his comedy, stating she didn’t find him funny and doubting his chances of landing a radio job, a position he greatly desired at the time.


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“It was up to her to turn me down, and the public should let this one go, even though it keeps coming up. I think Miss Mandi had a right to say what she said, we are all human beings, we have choices and that was hers. The only question was how she went about it, she probably could have been a bit nicer without necessarily being ridiculous. It was wrong, but then again, who doesn’t make mistakes?” Butita told Nairobi News.

An email exchange from 11 years ago revealed that Miss Mandi not only declined Butita’s request to be her radio co-host but also mocked his creativity. At that time, Butita was just starting his comedy career.


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Fast forward to 2024, and Butita has risen to become one of President Ruto’s favored creatives. His connection with the president, which began last year, has seen him involved in several government creative projects.

The highlight of his career was spending time with the head of state during the US trip. While many have praised Butita, the founder of Stage Presence Media Buzz (SPM BUZZ), for his transformation from a stand-up comedian to a presidential favorite, others are left wondering what became of Miss Mandi.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
