
“Wewe Ndio Manufaa” Dk Kwenye Beat is back

Image: wewe ndio manufaa

“Wewe Ndio manufaa” Dk Kwenye Beat is back with a new single,. He has released this two months after his collabo with Bahati on “Sorry”. The talented singer was trending on social media for the wrong reasons early this year. Seems like that didn’t hinder him and he is still going strong in the gospel industry. Wewe ndio manufaa is the work of  Artpoa and Performed by Dk kwenye Beat.  The release has come as as a surprise after Kenyans lashed on him as a result of the fake apology song.

Dk kwenye Beat; wewe ndio manufaa


On to production, it   is a great one. All aspects of international standards have been taken care of. Also, the background is a win for the artist. Bwoyp is the one behind the quality video. The audio is clear  and of good quality.In Wewe Ndio Manufaa, ItsDrama and Yo Alex have made sure that the audio is well done. Also editing is well done.

Lyrical Presentation

The lyrics are so good and they are flowing. The introduction is just great; “Ata Nikiwa na Madeni,Bila Mapeni We unisemi, uko nami Daily Nikiact silly ,nikicatch mafeeling Nikikosa dili ,shika namba mbili Niko sure uko nami,nyingine kali Bila sisimami ,bila siwezani Zaidi ya Ganji,na mali Na hali ,uko place fulani Hawatuwezi mi na wewe ni Army Sitetemeki wanaipa Amani Bila wewe siitakuwa Funny Bila wewe siitakuwa Funny.”  Isn’t God a great friend? Also could he be talking of how he was able to go through the social media shame?

In addition,the chorus bring in the title of the song through repetition. It is short and clear; “Kule Tumetoka Ndio Far Ndio Far Ndio Far Kwangu Wewe ndio Manufaa Manufaa Manufaa.”  It says that they have come from far and He is the only hope.

He needs to concentrate on more on his gospel career and avoid social media drama. I rate the song at 6/10.


click the link below to watch the full video.

About this writer:

Catherine Nderitu

An SEO writer. Review East Africa Music.. Passionate about cameras.
