Wema Sepetu breaks down after losing her one and only baby
There is no better life than that of a super star. I mean…there is money, fun and of course funny-funny stunts that keep bloggers talking every now and then.
Talking about stunts – Tanzanian sweetheart Wema Sepetu is making headlines after losing her baby Manunu. Yes, Wema has a dog she considers her baby and this past weekend baby Manunu happened to get out of their compound straying away till date.
According to Wema Sepetu her baby Vanilla aka Manunu has been missing for 2 days now; and from the look of things, he might not get back home.

My Dog amepotea…..‼️‼️‼️‼️ Kwa yoyote atakayemuona kokote please anijulishe kwa namba hii 0679749903… na kuna zawadi ya 1M… Amepotea Asubuhi hii… Please Guys Help me… Anaitwa Vanilla or Manunu… Amevaa kigauni cha Brown
However Wema has offered Tsh 2 million to anyone who will bring back baby Vanilla; who means more than the world to her. Through her IG Wema went on to write;

I really want my Manunu BACK….!!! Natop Up pesa sio 1m tena ni 2M… mkimuona popote anaitwa Vanilla or Manunu…????????????????
Giving up
Seeing how everyone has turned this into a joke; Wema appears to have given up on finding her baby – that is judging from her latest post where she wrote;

Please Just call Vanilla or Manunu anajua jina lake… PLEASE…????????????
Well – last time i checked Wema Sepetu was obsessed with the Kardashians; and this right here is the outcome.