
Weezdom’s new job makes more sense when you consider this…

Image: Bahati and Weezdom

Weezdom recently announced his exit from the gospel fraternity, preferring instead to focus on pushing Bahati’s music career foreword. At first glance, this seems like a Bahati play to kill the career of the talented people around him and instead use their creativity for his own ends but I would argue that while this is true, it isn’t necessarily a bad thing.


You cannot honestly say that Weezdom has lost out on the opportunity to make a superstar of himself because in truth, his career wasn’t exactly on fire.

Weezdom bags lucrative deal months after quitting gospel music

A quick recap of the situation is that Weezdom has been given a new gig over at what is left of EMB records that will see him forsake his ambitions to become Kenya’s biggest gospel star and instead focus on creating content for Bahati’s social media.

Weezdom with Bahati at EMB
Bahati (left) with Weeezdom (right)

In and of itself, this isn’t a bad move as it assures him a more steady revenue stream that royalty cheques of which his weren’t exactly flowing like water from a tap.


This also allows Weezdom to focus more on his personal vendetta against Bahati’s enemies, both perceived and otherwise.

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But more importantly, Weezdom can claim a larger stake of the Bahati empire by claiming a share of the revenues he contributes to generating and if he has the ambition and vision, he can even grow a business out of managing more and more artists social media accounts.

But all in all, Weezdom’s decision makes a lot of sense because of the possibility to make more cents which in turn completely depends on his ability to be a visionary thinker. Only time will tell whether he had the acumen to take advantage of the opportunity presented to him.

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My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings; Look on my Works, ye Mighty, and despair! Nothing beside remains. Round the decay
